Privacy Policy

Laughlines respects your privacy and is dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. We collect this information when you place an order and register on our website. By registering, you consent to the collection of your personal data.

Information Collection:

  • When you place an order, we require personal information such as your name, email address, phone numbers, home address, and shipping address for order processing.
  • Your personal details are never shared with third parties, except for necessary information like name, number, and address provided to our courier for delivery services.

Data Usage:

  • We use your information to process your order, provide updates on order status, and ensure timely delivery.
  • Your sensitive information is protected by SSL encryption, ensuring secure transmission.

Text Marketing and Notifications:

  • By providing your phone number during checkout, you agree to receive text notifications, including order updates and marketing offers.

We value your privacy and take all necessary measures to safeguard your personal information. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.